Perucchetti's Marmorino plaster is a very superior wall finish which is derived from the ancient techniques of Pompeii and Greece. They have just transformed and updated the techniques for modern decorative use. The Marmorino, which is almost maintenance-free, can also be used on exteriors, having undergone testing by Government Departments to ensure that it can withstand the elements and pollution. Due to the material's versatility, it can be applied to curved walls, ceilings and columns. No harm would come to it in humid areas such as swimming pools, bathrooms and kitchens, as all materials we use are natural - so the walls can breathe and dry out if wetted.
They can incorporate many decorative details in and onto the plaster finishes, such as raised reliefs of various designs which can add architectural interest, and apply faded stencil designs into the plaster to match a patterned fabric or company logo. The range of colours and textures they can achieve is virtually infinite, though the recipes made up for clients are unique to them.
This web site gives you an indication of the wide variety of the finishes they can achieve. To really appreciate the feel of the finishes would be to see them at their studio, where they are able to show you in detail all the techniques available.
They can handle projects of any size worldwide!
By Appointment
South Park Studios - Suite 10
88 Peterborough Road, London SW6 3HH
United Kingdom